Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Losing an asset

Sad but true, we are losing an asset to the company but for a good cause.  On April 1st, of all days, we were able to pull off a surprise baby shower for one of our warehouse employees.  It was great to be able to keep her in the dark for several weeks.  I wasn’t sure if we would be able to do it but it was a huge success.  We had a few goodies to eat as well as some yummy pink cupcakes made by our very own Ms. Lynne.  Tabitha will be leaving soon to go on maternity leave.  She looks like she is about to pop any day now.  If I’m not mistaken, she only has about 4 to 5 weeks left.  She says she is going to work until “time”.  A couple guys said they had buckets and mops ready to go.  We are told it will be a girl.  Can’t wait to see the new arrival to the cast.
Till next time,
Happy Gaming

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